2010. május 6.

curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

My name is Kata Könyv, I was born on 11th April 1984 in Pincehelyen, Hungary and I have been raised in Simontornya.


E-mail: konyvster@gmail.com

web: konyvkata.blogspot.com

Cell: 00 36 30 3947253


2015- DLA, University of Pécs, Faculty of Music and visual Arts
2003-2008      University of Fine Arts, Budapest, Department of Painting and Visual Education. Masters: József Gaál, Zsigmond Károlyi, Eszter Radák, Zoltán Ötvös, Frigyes Kőnig

2007    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, Department of Painting, Erasmus Scholarship Program

1998-2003      Secondary Grammar and Special School of Arts, Pécs


2013    Hungarian Artist’s Book Associacion

2009    Hungarian Associacion of Fine Artists


2017    PhD Scholarship of Excellence

2016    PhD Scholarship of Excellence

2015    NKA creative support

2014    NKA creative support

2014    Szabó Dezső Art prize

2012    Barcsay Prize

2010    Scholarship of Budapest Gallery, (Participation in the work of an art colony, Gyergyószárhegy)

2009    „Nagybányai életérzés napjainkban” („Nagybánya Feeling Today”), national tender, 2nd place

2009    „Friss festészeti díj” („Fresh Painting Prize”) A rendszerváltás 20 éve (Twenty Years of the Change of Regimes)

2006    „Erasmus” Scholarship, Spain

2004    „Európa Asztalai” („Tables of Europe”) national tender, special place

2003    „VÍZ” („WATER”) Tender of Baranya County, 1st place

2003    Az Országos Középiskolai Tanulmányi Verseny (National Secondary School Academic Competition) 1st place

Important Individual Exhibitions:

2017    Boldog karambol- Happy crash, Halköz Gallery, Debrecen

2017    Kívülvalóság- In addition of reality, Hungarian Workshop Gallery, Budapest

2016    Primavera rustica, Gebauer Gallery, House of Civil Communities, Pécs

2015    Agylap és Puha képek, Madách Theatre, Tolnay Salon, Budapest
2015    Mix, PIK Gallery, with B. Gömbös Ilonával, Budapest

2014    Transcendo, Erlin Gallery, Budapest
2014    Saját ösvényen- Own path, Király 9 Gallery. Budapest

2013    Őszi Párlat- Autumn distillated, Bartók chamber theatre, Dunaújváros

2013    Kimosódás- Wash out, Gallery IX, Budapest

2013    No trend, with Szikszai Károly, Look Gallery, Budapest

2013    Barcsay prize winners, Barcsay Collection, Szentendre

2012    So tell me nothing’s happened, Tat Contemporary Gallery, Budapest

2012    Deus ex machina, Symbol Gallery, Budapest

2012    Transillumination, Enigma Gallery, Veresegyház

2011    Hotel Eden, Tat Contemporary Gallery, Budapest

2010    Through Time, Tamási Gallery, Tamási

2008    Opening Exhibition, Friss Gallery, Budapest

2008    „100 Kings” Foundation, NetAktív Office-Gallery, Budapest

2006    Plain Art Contemporary Art Festival, Pink Cadillac, Budapest

2006    Experiments, Kindl – Kupola Gallery, Vályi Péter Specialized Boarding-School, Tamási

2005    Lukács Confectionery, Budapest

Group Exhibitions:

2017    Thought spaces, DLA Intro V., Nádor Gallery, Pécs,

2017    X,Y – new generation polish-hungarian painting, MODEM, Debrecen

2017    Summer exhibition, Reök palace, Szeged

2017    Colormill, MiszlaArt artcamp exhibition, Tamási Gallery, Tamási

2017    „Antoni Hendrix and his friends” Nádor Gallery, Pécs, memory exhibition

2016    DUNART.COM I-V., Mamü Gallery, Budapest

2015    Deák 17 Children and Youth Art Gallery, Budapest, Magyarország

2016    An example picture, a selection from the Völgyi-Skonda contemporary collection, St. Joseph's House, Budapest

2016    „60" In memory of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight, House of Arts, Szekszárd

2016    „DLA Intro”, re:public Gallery, Pécs,

2016    Color intensity - Shift Change VII" Large Paintings - Change of Scale VII., m21 Gallery, Pécs

2016    Histories and Brainpages, with Zsuzsa Nemes, Nádor Art and Flowers Gallery, Pécs

2016    Colormill, MiszlaArt artcamp exhibition, Tamási Gallery, Tamási

2016     „My cellar”, installation at the Ördögkatlan festival, Villánykövesd

2016    Katakrézis, Doctoral School final exhibition, Nádor Gallery, Pécs

2015    „DLA Intro”, DLA, re:public Gallery, Pécs

2015    T-modell, Ama house Gallery, Budapest

2014    Barcsay 25, the Barcsay-prize 25 jubilee exhibition, ArtMill, Szentendre

2014    Labirint, MAOE exhibion, ArtMill, Szentendre

2014    Sinesthesia, Contemporary Fine Art ont he occasion of the day of poetry, Highlands Gallery, Budapest

2014    Don’t carry on! Pepper Art Projects, Budapest

2013    Book/Picture/Other, Vaszary Picture Gallery, Kaposvár

2012    Reality and Illusion, The Budapest Circus, Budapest

2012    Ego-destroyers, Roham Gallery, Budapest

2012    I took the bus Nr. 7, MÉSZ Headquarters, Budapest

2011    7th Book-Object Biennale, Ráday Castle, Pécel

2011    Meeting poit, Sokszem Visual-Art Foundation, Budapest

2010    The limits are in your head, Tat Contemporary Art Gallery, Budapest

2009    Art Fair, Kunsthalle, Budapest

2009    Smiling Mona Lisa, with Veronika Jakatics-Szabó and Emese Udvardy, Volksbank Gallery, Budapest

2009    Friss, Best of Diploma, Kogart, Budapest

2008    Best of Diploma, University of Fine Arts, Budapest

2008    The Day of Painting, Parthenon-Fríz Hall, Epreskert, Budapest

2008    Group Exhibition, Balassi Institute, Budapest

2007    Gone on Holiday, Community Centre on Almássy Square, Budapest

2006    Group Exhibition, Trafó, Gödöllő

2006    Post, Dante Gallery, Pécs

2006    Family Exhibition, Babits Mihály Community Centre, Szekszárd

2006    Art Expo Fresh, Művészet malom, Szentendre

2005    6th National Exhibition of Grotesque Fine and Applied Arts and Photography, Kaposvár

International Exhibition:

2017    Al Passo Con I Tempi / To move with the time, Gallery of Rome Hungarian Academy, Rome (I)

2017    Art Circle / Art Embassies project, Medana (SLO)

2013    Art en capital, Grand Palais, Paris, (FR)

2012    DunArt.com2, Lélekmérleg (Soul Scales), exhibition of an international art colony, Somorja, Slovakia

2011    Transcom.hu, Contemporary Hungarian Gallery, Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia

2011 Symposium of Universities of Fine Arts, Gyergyószárhegy, Romania

2011    DunArt, Wavelength exhibition of an international art colony, Somorja, Slovakia

2011    Across the Bridge, group exhibition in the Hungarian Institute in Prague, Czech Republic

2010    Regeneration, Espace Belleville Gallery, CFDT (Confédération française démocratique du travail) Headquarters, Paris, France

2009    Twenty Years of the Change of Regimes tender, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, Budapest

Nincsenek megjegyzések:

Megjegyzés küldése

 Kiállítás és tárlatvezetés: 40 fok , Siófok, Kálmán Imre Emlékház emeleti kiállítóterme, megtekinthető egész nyáron: Hétfő: zárva Kedd-pén...